
Here's where all the animation takes place. After you define a shape, a text object, a sprite, or a button, you add it to the movie, then use the returned handle to move, rotate, scale, or skew the thing.

void rotateTo(float degrees);

Set rotation to degrees degrees.

void rotate(float degrees);
Rotate by degrees degrees.

void moveTo(float x, float y);
Move object to (x,y) in global coordinates.

void move(float x, float y);
Displace object by (x,y) in global coordinates.

void scaleTo(float x, float y);
Set scale to x in the x-direction, y in the y-direction.

void scale(float x, float y);
Multiply scale by x in the x-direction, y in the y-direction.

void skewXTo(float x);
Set x-skew x. 1.0 is a 45-degree forward slant. More is more forward, less is more backward.

void skewX(float x);
Add x to current x-skew.

void skewYTo(float x);
Set/add y-skew y. 1.0 is a 45-degree upward slant. More is more upward, less is more downward.

void skewY(float x);
Set/add y-skew y. 1.0 is a 45-degree upward slant. More is more upward, less is more downward.

setMatrix(float a, float b, float c, float d, float x, float y);
Set matrix.

void setDepth(int depth);
void Depth; (Propertie)

Set z-order to depth. Depth defaults to the order in which instances are created (by add'ing a shape/text to a movie)- newer ones are on top of older ones. If two objects are given the same depth, only the later-defined one can be moved.

int getDepth();
int Depth; (Propertie)

Get z-order to depth. Depth defaults to the order in which instances are created (by add'ing a shape/text to a movie)- newer ones are on top of older ones. If two objects are given the same depth, only the later-defined one can be moved.

void remove();
Remove this object from the movie's display list.

void setName(string name);
void Name; (Propertie)

Set the object's name to name, for targetting with action script. Only useful on sprites.

void SWFDisplayItem_setMaskLevel(int masklevel);
void MaskLevel; (Propertie)

Set masklevel.

void setRatio(float ratio);
void Ratio; (Propertie)

Set the object's ratio to ratio. Obviously only useful for morphs.

void setCXform(SWFCXform cXform);
void CXform; (Propertie)

Set CXform.

void setColorAdd(int r, int g, int b [, int a]);
void addColor(int r, int g, int b [, int a]);

Adds the given color to this item's color transform.

void setColorMult(int r, int g, int b [, int a]);
void multColor(int r, int g, int b [, int a]);

Multiplies the item's color transform by the given values.

void addAction(SWFAction action, int flags);

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