SWFSprite : SWFMovieClip
..also known as a "movie clip", this allows one to create objects which are animated in their own timelines. Hence, the sprite has most of the same methods as the movie.
SWFSprite SWFSprite();
Create a new SWFSprite object.
SWFBlock getBlock();
SWFBlock Block; (Propertie)
Get SWFBlock object.
void setFrames(numberOfFrames);
void setNumberOfFrames(int nFrames);
void NumberOfFrames; (Propertie)
Set the total number of frames in the sprite's animation.
SWFDisplayItem add(SWFBlock character);
Add a shape, text, a button, an action, or another sprite to the sprite.For displayable types (shape, text, button, sprite), this returns a handle to the object in a display list.
void remove(SWFDisplayItemi);
Remove the object instance from the display list.
void nextFrame();
Move to the next frame of the animation.
void labelFrame(string label);
Set label to frame.
void setSoundStream(SWFSound sound, float rate);
Set Sound Stream.
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